Location: London, United Kingdom

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Someday, My Prince Will Come Along...

Actually, he did. Yesterday, in fact. I was walking from Paddington Station, looking for a nearby Starbucks to check my messages (it's comforting to know that I can walk a few minutes in any direction and hit one - at least here and at least downtown). Only two or so blocks from the station, and I realize that there's a barricade up ahead - no foot or motor traffic can move in any direction. My first thought was that there was an accident, or worse some sort of "incident", so I asked one of the many people stopped at the barricade. She replied "Prince William is in there", and I looked up at the sign and it was St. Mary's hospital. Was he sick? Visiting a sick aunt in hosptial? Or perhaps taking up one of his mother's famous missions to help the needy?
Suddenly one of the officers controlling the scene motions for everyone to move back, and a motorcade exits from the hospital. First two police escorts at front, then a very british black car, which incites a flurry of picture taking on the opposite side of the street. I look in to see a man waving at the onlookers - and could easily surmise that this was the Prince himself. I recognize that hair!
So there you have it. My first brush with royalty. Well, I enounter lots of queens at the bars, but they only *think* they're regal. This one's the real deal!
It's interesting over here. Everything is about celebrity. The locals are obsessed with stars and the royal family - even the newspapers all read as tabloids. It's all about the stars who are too thin right now, and which of the Spice Girls really rocked the town last night (FYI: Posh is hotter than Ginger, who were both seen out on the scene the night before last. Whoop de bloody do!) But the people here really eat it up. I can't be arsed to open a newspaper because it all feels so... un-newsworthy.
So off I went, on my way. Some people behind me were griping about how Prince William had held them up, I just sort of found it amusing that I happened upon one of the most famous people in the world, probably in hospital on some really mundane visit. But I should check the news today - I'm sure there's some fascinating coverage of it in there: "Prince William visits Proctologist. Is His Rear Up to Snuff?" The news that really matters.
Oh, and you'll be happy to know I found a Starbucks not 3 minutes further ahead. Just another day in London!


Blogger Heipel said...

Wils was visiting the hospital of his birth, and dedicating a new ward for sick children. All done with a very bad haircut, I might add.

Blog when you've shagged him will you, please?

9/22/2006 03:36:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i'm glad that you haven't run into the big book of british smiles!

miss you babe... take pics of all the pasty whiteys i've been missing

9/23/2006 08:25:00 PM  
Blogger Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

If you shag Prince William before I do I will never EVER forgive you!!!

9/24/2006 07:54:00 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

Eric; "pasty whiteys"?!?!


9/28/2006 06:09:00 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

You still alive Mike?

10/04/2006 05:44:00 PM  
Blogger Heipel said...

Yo, Mike: blog!

10/08/2006 06:25:00 AM  
Blogger Heipel said...

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10/08/2006 06:25:00 AM  

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